Thursday 5 February 2015

Summary of 'Writing Your Way to Happiness' by Tara Parker Pope

In the article “Writing Your Way to Happiness”, Parker-Pope(2015) states that it is possible to achieve happiness through writing in terms of improvement in mood disorder, health and memory. The author claims that, by writing and editing daily stories, people can change the way they view themselves and eventually identify the real problems that prevent them from obtaining a better health and life. These claims were illustrated by research. Students showed positive improvement on study after the story-changing intervention and prompting them to edit their own narratives about college. Parker-Pope(2015) also mentions that writing leads people to think optimistically and hence solve emotional issues. Research has been done among 120 couples by making them write narratives after their quarrel. The results shows a great improvement on marital happiness as they reflected their own mistakes through writing and thinking.

Tara Parker-Pope. (2015, Jan 19). Writing Your Way to Happiness [Web log post]. Retrieved from

138 Words
Written by Ye Chen & Zhengguang


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